As a first-generation American and the daughter of Iranian Jewish immigrants, I grew up with an acute awareness of oppression, discrimination, and inequity. My passion for understanding the nature and impact of intersectionality on an individual’s trajectory has led me to this valuable work.
I welcome a diverse clientele, focusing on work with individuals who are impacted by systemic injustice. With my clinical roots in working with survivors of sexual assault, I am passionate about providing trauma-informed and feminist based treatment to individuals who may feel unwelcome in their communities due to [both internal and external] perceptions of their identity. I also work with clients to provide clarity around topics such as racial identity development, lgbtq+ identity development, sexual trauma, and family systems.
I use a relational approach with the understanding that identity plays a large component in an individual’s anxiety and depression among other very human struggles. I work with my clients through assessing their unique strengths and areas of growth to create treatment plans that embrace their varying stories and intersections.
In addition to clinical work, I can be found writing poetry regarding my experiences, my family’s immigration story, and all things under the sun (not to worry, the moon as well, balance is important). Self-care these days looks like rock climbing, immersing myself in the elements, yoga, traveling, and letting creative energy pour through me.
Parts 1-3 of the Parnell Institute's Attachment-Focused EMDR Training
Master’s of Marriage and Family Therapy, University of Southern California
Bachelor of Arts in Intensive Psychology, UC Santa Cruz (Go Slugs!)
Currently Reading:
Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss